How obesity affects women in pregnancy

How obesity affects women in pregnancy - As the obesity epidemic spreads there are more cases of obesity in pregnancy. Figures in UK suggest that one in 20 pregnant women is obese. If a woman is obese in her first pregnancy she may well be heavier by the second and third pregnancy.

Women who are pregnant do not like to hear the word obese, and like the words clinically obese or morbidly obese even less. When doctors use these words women tend to feel hurt and defensive. Very often it is in pregnancy that a woman’s weight is discussed for the first time and mentioned in such terms. Pregnancy is also a time when a woman is very sensitive and pregnancy is supposed to be a happy time spent enjoying getting ready for a new baby. So if the doctor speaks bluntly about her weight naturally she will feel upset and sad and may be put off visiting her doctor. If doctors do need to talk to patients about their weight it is always easier to talk in terms of BMI. (Body Mass Index) as this medicalizes the problem and makes it easier.

Women need support and advice and do not need to feel judged by the medical profession when they are already feeling sensitive and nervous.

It is important to stress the positive things a woman can do such as eating a balanced diet and taking a daily walk or swim.

Many pregnant women feel that it is a time when they should relax but some gentle exercise is recommended as you need to be fit to go through labour. If you are not sure what exercise is right for you speak to your doctor. If you haven’t been active in sometime you will need to take it very gently.

How obesity can affect pregnancy

It is important to say at the start that most women who are obese go on to have healthy babies. This is because doctors are experienced in looking after women of all shapes and sizes and the body adapts.

There are some areas where there are difficulties, which should be noted. It can be more difficult to get a good scan when a lady is obese and also it can be more difficult to administer an epidural as there is more fat for the needle to go through. Babies can also be larger in obese women that can cause problems with delivery. That said, doctors have plenty of experience with all of this and most births in obese women are absolutely normal. Most are nice and easy and everybody is happy.

Rising rates of obesity mean that many women are obese with their first pregnancy and then fail to lose the extra weight gained and are heavier in the next pregnancy. However weight loss in pregnancy is not recommended but a healthy balanced diet is important for both mother and baby.

If you are overweight and thinking about starting a family go to see the doctor before you get pregnant to make sure you have a healthy strong body. You can also prepare for pregnancy by making sure your body has all the nutrients it needs to produce a healthy baby and protect the mother’s health. It is important to plan for pregnancy by eating well and taking exercise. This means positive healthy eating and not going on a crash diet that puts the body into a state of stress.

If you are in the best of health before pregnancy it will insure the best outcome for mother and child. ( )

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1 comment:

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