How to get her into your bed in half an hour? - How to seduce a woman and get her into your bed in half an hour? Start improving your pick up techniques now!
Preparation and the process of choosing the target
So, how to get a woman into your bed in just half an hour? This is a tough assignment with no room for mistake. Preparations have to be made in the slightest detail. The first thing to do is to pick the place and the occasion. There are two extreme options that are best. The first is a terribly boring party, where the girl can’t wait for something to happen. The second is an erotically charged party, where the energy is visible in the eyes of the people present.
You have to be extremely careful when choosing the “victim”. It’s best to catch her when she’s ovulating. The problem is finding out whether she`s in the phase of ovulation. Try to catch her scent, observe the energy she’s moving with across the room and how she interacts with the people around her.
Check her hair and the skin on her face (if you can deduce what she’s hiding underneath the powder). All of these signs can tell you whether she’s at the peak of her sexual powers or if she’s, on the contrary, having one of those days.

Observe her posture, because the latter tells you a lot about her attitude towards sex. Pay attention to how her hair is tied, how straight the spine is, how relaxed her shoulders, how decisive her steps, how wide her smile and how seductive and confident her flirting – these are all signs you’re looking for in your target. Don’t judge a woman according to the clothes she wears or her make-up, or you’ll easily miss the right girl. Listen to her laughter and watch for her relaxed manner instead. This will tell you more than a mini skirt and red lipstick.
You have to sweep her off her feet with the first impression you make and overwhelm her. Therefore, you should wait until the final moment before making the first contact.
First contact
You know the scenes from movies, where two martial arts masters fight for the first time one against the other? All is silent in anticipation and the intensity grows from one second to the next. If you’ve ever watched a live fight, you know that good fighters know how to create this moment of silence, where the battle is fought on a whole new level. There’s a thick energy around them which is aimed at the opponent. This alone helps prevent many fights because the opponent is overcome by fear. You too have to gather such intent and energy for your first performance. Avoid eye contact before. When she looks into your eyes, she must see your intent without a shadow of a doubt. “Hi, I’m Peter.” It’s not about what you say. Whatever you say, tension and intent must be felt from your words. In the background, you should echo the thoughts: “I want you, now, at this moment.”
You have to pierce her soul with your eyes and send shivers down her spine. You can’t let her doubt your intentions, even though you haven’t shown them yet. You must hypnotize her, cast a spell on her with your eyes and not give her the chance to escape. You only have to do this for a moment, then you can ease off because you can frighten her or make her think you’re desperate or crazy. Right after this, turn around and focus on the rest of the company, as if she didn’t exist.
If you perform this move correctly, you will totally confuse her, which will be exhibited in her movements and her blushing. Women know when men are undressing them and poking them in their minds, so your next step will make her feel doubt and this uncertainty is the key to your success. You`re now only minutes away from getting her into your bed!
Creating chemistry and erotic tension
We can’t force chemistry. There are two options. Either we wear the least amount of artificial odors possible and hope we find the girl who likes how we smell, or we choose a perfume which we believe could be fitting. This is definitely a delicate decision on which the whole evening depends.
Your next move should put her back on the right track, the track into your bed. Don’t beat about the bush. It’s been several minutes since you said hello and time is flying. Don’t start with some stupid subject, but try to wake her up. However, don’t come right out and don`t say the words that are doomed to fail, like: “Do you want to fu..?” You should build up the erotic tension slowly and at the same time you have to impress her with your composure and daring approach. Don’t just give her compliments, but keep building the erotic tension. Touch is very important, but it’s also a double-edged sword and an indicator of your success. Unfortunately, we can’t give you anything else but some general instructions because any sentence can be great or totally ridiculous in different situations.
Above all, be honest and confident and make her feel that you’re immensely attracted to her. We can get any woman (or man) if we play on her (or his) vanity! Create the illusion that your touches are unintentional. They should be gentle but unambiguous. Play with her when she tries to find out about your intentions, change the subject and come back even more intensely in the next sentence. Touch her and when she wants to see a purpose in your eyes, don’t give her any. When you see the confusion in her eyes, look at her so deeply and intensely as if she was already in your bed and you’re just waiting for the first thrust. This game should be fluid and very intense.
If there’s a chance to dance, use it. Physical contact has its charms and if chemistry is in your favor, your chances of success are that much greater. An erotic dance should not be ambiguous. Don’t hide your erection and let her know how attractive you find her. If you’ve been able to maintain the erotic tension up to this point, the touch of your bulge will transform her to the place where you want her to be.
But don’t force her if she doesn’t let you into her space herself. Don’t start groping her or something similarly stupid. Only primitive people and children do that. Even if she wants sex, we mustn’t give it to her right away because her desire must grow. She must want your penis, not your hands. It doesn’t matter what kind of dance it is and what kind of dancer you are. Let her know you want her so much it hurts, but don’t show it in a physical sense, except with the fire in your eyes and with your tight trousers.
As you can see, it`s not that easy to seduce a woman and also get her into your bed in just half an hour, but practice, as always, makes perfect. Good luck! (
Preparation and the process of choosing the target
So, how to get a woman into your bed in just half an hour? This is a tough assignment with no room for mistake. Preparations have to be made in the slightest detail. The first thing to do is to pick the place and the occasion. There are two extreme options that are best. The first is a terribly boring party, where the girl can’t wait for something to happen. The second is an erotically charged party, where the energy is visible in the eyes of the people present.
You have to be extremely careful when choosing the “victim”. It’s best to catch her when she’s ovulating. The problem is finding out whether she`s in the phase of ovulation. Try to catch her scent, observe the energy she’s moving with across the room and how she interacts with the people around her.
Check her hair and the skin on her face (if you can deduce what she’s hiding underneath the powder). All of these signs can tell you whether she’s at the peak of her sexual powers or if she’s, on the contrary, having one of those days.
Observe her posture, because the latter tells you a lot about her attitude towards sex. Pay attention to how her hair is tied, how straight the spine is, how relaxed her shoulders, how decisive her steps, how wide her smile and how seductive and confident her flirting – these are all signs you’re looking for in your target. Don’t judge a woman according to the clothes she wears or her make-up, or you’ll easily miss the right girl. Listen to her laughter and watch for her relaxed manner instead. This will tell you more than a mini skirt and red lipstick.
You have to sweep her off her feet with the first impression you make and overwhelm her. Therefore, you should wait until the final moment before making the first contact.
First contact
You know the scenes from movies, where two martial arts masters fight for the first time one against the other? All is silent in anticipation and the intensity grows from one second to the next. If you’ve ever watched a live fight, you know that good fighters know how to create this moment of silence, where the battle is fought on a whole new level. There’s a thick energy around them which is aimed at the opponent. This alone helps prevent many fights because the opponent is overcome by fear. You too have to gather such intent and energy for your first performance. Avoid eye contact before. When she looks into your eyes, she must see your intent without a shadow of a doubt. “Hi, I’m Peter.” It’s not about what you say. Whatever you say, tension and intent must be felt from your words. In the background, you should echo the thoughts: “I want you, now, at this moment.”
You have to pierce her soul with your eyes and send shivers down her spine. You can’t let her doubt your intentions, even though you haven’t shown them yet. You must hypnotize her, cast a spell on her with your eyes and not give her the chance to escape. You only have to do this for a moment, then you can ease off because you can frighten her or make her think you’re desperate or crazy. Right after this, turn around and focus on the rest of the company, as if she didn’t exist.
If you perform this move correctly, you will totally confuse her, which will be exhibited in her movements and her blushing. Women know when men are undressing them and poking them in their minds, so your next step will make her feel doubt and this uncertainty is the key to your success. You`re now only minutes away from getting her into your bed!
Creating chemistry and erotic tension
We can’t force chemistry. There are two options. Either we wear the least amount of artificial odors possible and hope we find the girl who likes how we smell, or we choose a perfume which we believe could be fitting. This is definitely a delicate decision on which the whole evening depends.
Your next move should put her back on the right track, the track into your bed. Don’t beat about the bush. It’s been several minutes since you said hello and time is flying. Don’t start with some stupid subject, but try to wake her up. However, don’t come right out and don`t say the words that are doomed to fail, like: “Do you want to fu..?” You should build up the erotic tension slowly and at the same time you have to impress her with your composure and daring approach. Don’t just give her compliments, but keep building the erotic tension. Touch is very important, but it’s also a double-edged sword and an indicator of your success. Unfortunately, we can’t give you anything else but some general instructions because any sentence can be great or totally ridiculous in different situations.
Above all, be honest and confident and make her feel that you’re immensely attracted to her. We can get any woman (or man) if we play on her (or his) vanity! Create the illusion that your touches are unintentional. They should be gentle but unambiguous. Play with her when she tries to find out about your intentions, change the subject and come back even more intensely in the next sentence. Touch her and when she wants to see a purpose in your eyes, don’t give her any. When you see the confusion in her eyes, look at her so deeply and intensely as if she was already in your bed and you’re just waiting for the first thrust. This game should be fluid and very intense.
If there’s a chance to dance, use it. Physical contact has its charms and if chemistry is in your favor, your chances of success are that much greater. An erotic dance should not be ambiguous. Don’t hide your erection and let her know how attractive you find her. If you’ve been able to maintain the erotic tension up to this point, the touch of your bulge will transform her to the place where you want her to be.
But don’t force her if she doesn’t let you into her space herself. Don’t start groping her or something similarly stupid. Only primitive people and children do that. Even if she wants sex, we mustn’t give it to her right away because her desire must grow. She must want your penis, not your hands. It doesn’t matter what kind of dance it is and what kind of dancer you are. Let her know you want her so much it hurts, but don’t show it in a physical sense, except with the fire in your eyes and with your tight trousers.
As you can see, it`s not that easy to seduce a woman and also get her into your bed in just half an hour, but practice, as always, makes perfect. Good luck! (
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