Look good for the summer holidays

Look good for the summer holidays - Most of us try to lose weight and look our best before going away on a trip or holiday. We want family and friends to see us at our best and this means putting in some effort now. It is great to have a date to work toward as it makes us feel more motivated. My son is going to his university reunion soon and is really focused on looking good and is eating well and running every morning before work. I am hopeful that he will develop good habits that he will keep up always.


Ignore the quick fix diets

There are lots of common mistakes that people make when losing weight and number one is going for the quick fix. Having run a slimming club for 15 years I have found the best long term results are due to working with your body and making gradual changes that the body accepts and gradually getting into good habits.

Promises like "Drop a dress size in two days!" that sound too good to be true usually are.

When your body feels it is being starved, it stores extra fat around your middle so that you can survive longer in a real starvation situation.

The average woman needs 1,500–2,000 calories a day and if you drop below this your metabolism will slow down and you will feel tired and have no energy; and so will be less active and will not lose weight. You will eventually feel so hungry you have to eat. Extreme dieting can damage your immune system so while you might see extremely slim models in bikinis in the magazines, if this is not your natural body shape you will only make yourself unhappy and unhealthy trying to achieve this appearance. Think in terms of what is best for you. You want your body to be healthy to take you through the long journey of that is life. That means loving the body that you have got and taking care of it; and keeping it healthy and never comparing yourself with anyone else. Enjoy your own uniqueness.

The average man needs 2,400 calories to maintain his weight and so for gradual weight loss he would need to reduce his intake to 2,150 calories.

For a free copy of my healthy eating guide e-mail to guidean@ardenhealth.com

Beware eating out

Restaurants encourage us to eat and drink more than we really want. When you enter a restaurant there is an unmistakable understanding that you should be eating three courses. It is enough to make you feel really mean if all you really want is a salad and a glass of water.

Eating three courses in a restaurant may be nice as a treat or as a celebration meal but you will be using up a whole day’s supply of calories in one meal.

In the hot weather it is easier to eat ‘lighter’ foods such as salad and fruit. Healthy salad is a nice change and very often the body wants less hot food in hot weather. Always make your own, as many restaurant and shop bought salads contain lots of hidden calories to make them tasty. Anything containing croutons, dressing, mayonnaise or cheese probably contains more calories and fat than a regular sandwich.

Portion sizes

In some restaurants the portion sizes are getting larger and larger. As they compete for our business, coffee shops offer huge cups: Almost buckets. And this is excessive. Even the muffins are enough to feed four so share with your friends and just enjoy a little taste.

Ditch the snacks

Here's a sure-fire way to reduce your consumption of high-calorie snacks. Throw them out! If snacks are not around, you won't be able to eat them. Instead, buy healthy alternatives, such as fruit and nuts.

Get active

If you are having trouble fitting exercise into your schedule, don't stress over it. Consider scheduling exercise at more convenient times, such as in the morning or during lunch. Stop at the gym on the way home from work. Your body loves routine and if you just exercise for 10 minutes every morning you will soon feel more energetic and toned. ( naturalhealthlines.com )

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