Look after your skin in hot weather - Your skin is a reflection of your inner health. When our skin looks good, we feel so much more confident. Following that, it is fair to say that our skin plays a central role in our beauty — the overall appearance gives that come-hither message.
Worries about skin affect us whatever our age. The young worry about spots and acne, and the over-thirties worry about lines and wrinkles.
The appearance of our skin says so much about us. We all make quick assessments when we meet someone for the first time; to check out their age we look at their skin and hair. Healthy hair and skin can transform a person and the good news is that with recent research it is something that can be achieved naturally at any age. Blooming skin says you are healthy, vital and that you take care of yourself.

What does it take to keep our skin looking young and healthy?
Skin is the largest organ of the body and it has many functions. It is this wonderful, waterproof coat, which regulates our temperature, holds our bodies together, defends it against trauma, infection and invasion, and has the most amazing capacity to heal itself when injured.
So, how can we look after and improve our skin?
What you eat affects the skin. Everything you do or don’t put into your mouth affects the quality of your skin. For example, a clogged, spotty complexion betrays a diet high in fats, sugars, and processed foods. The amazing news is that you can transform your skin by making simple changes to your eating habits. External factors, such as traffic fumes, air-conditioning and stress; VDU screens can dry out the skin, and excessive sun exposure can also affect skin quality.
What to eat?
Generally speaking, the nutritional guidelines for whole health apply to beautiful skin too. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables are great natural healers.
You can make a healthy fruit salad as a between meals snack. Include figs, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi fruit, melon and pineapple. Make sure you have a colorful, healthy salad every day, and ensure that you also have a portion of steamed vegetables.
Lemons are one of the skin’s great cleansers, packed with twice as much Vitamin C as oranges. Be good to your skin by starting the day to a wake up drink of cleansing hot water with a slice and squeeze of fresh lemon.
Yogurt a traditional food is one of those foods that heal and give your skin a special glow. Choose plain yogurts that are ‘live’ or ‘bio’. Some people find that goat yogurt suits them.
Honey is also recommended for its healing properties. Medieval soldiers used it to put on arrow wounds to speed up the healing process.
Take a good quality daily supplement to make sure that you are getting the best intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Many cheaper supplements have low levels of active ingredients, so be sure to examine labels carefully as you tend to get what you pay for. Quality supplements have potent cell regeneration properties that improve skin condition and retard signs of aging. For acne, or to fade old scars, rub in a little natural Vitamin E oil at bedtime.
Sun damage
A little sunshine is a valuable source of Vitamin D, but prolonged sunbathing damages the skin and ages it prematurely. People who sunbathe regularly age quickly. So always use a sunscreen on your face and hands.
Skin loves water
Your body is made up of 70 percent water and your skin loves it. Dehydration shows first on your skin. Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water every day. Take a bottle of water with you in the car. Caffeine can cause dehydration so increase your intake to 1 glass of water for each cup of coffee, tea and can of cola.
Take some exercise every day. Note how wonderful your skin looks after exercise. Exercise boost the circulation, boosts the metabolism, and brings oxygen to your skin cells.
Good skin care
Practice good skin care. Use gentle products to cleanse, moisturize, and gently exfoliate. A daily massage is a great way to keep skin looking fresh and young. I met an old lady of 80 who had fabulous skin and I asked her what her secret was. She told me that her mother had passed the benefits of gentle massage to her. Follow me on Twitter “@alvacarpenter” for a daily health tip toward a healthy life.
Face lift
Worries about skin affect us whatever our age. The young worry about spots and acne, and the over-thirties worry about lines and wrinkles.
The appearance of our skin says so much about us. We all make quick assessments when we meet someone for the first time; to check out their age we look at their skin and hair. Healthy hair and skin can transform a person and the good news is that with recent research it is something that can be achieved naturally at any age. Blooming skin says you are healthy, vital and that you take care of yourself.
What does it take to keep our skin looking young and healthy?
Skin is the largest organ of the body and it has many functions. It is this wonderful, waterproof coat, which regulates our temperature, holds our bodies together, defends it against trauma, infection and invasion, and has the most amazing capacity to heal itself when injured.
So, how can we look after and improve our skin?
What you eat affects the skin. Everything you do or don’t put into your mouth affects the quality of your skin. For example, a clogged, spotty complexion betrays a diet high in fats, sugars, and processed foods. The amazing news is that you can transform your skin by making simple changes to your eating habits. External factors, such as traffic fumes, air-conditioning and stress; VDU screens can dry out the skin, and excessive sun exposure can also affect skin quality.
What to eat?
Generally speaking, the nutritional guidelines for whole health apply to beautiful skin too. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables are great natural healers.
You can make a healthy fruit salad as a between meals snack. Include figs, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi fruit, melon and pineapple. Make sure you have a colorful, healthy salad every day, and ensure that you also have a portion of steamed vegetables.
Lemons are one of the skin’s great cleansers, packed with twice as much Vitamin C as oranges. Be good to your skin by starting the day to a wake up drink of cleansing hot water with a slice and squeeze of fresh lemon.
Yogurt a traditional food is one of those foods that heal and give your skin a special glow. Choose plain yogurts that are ‘live’ or ‘bio’. Some people find that goat yogurt suits them.
Honey is also recommended for its healing properties. Medieval soldiers used it to put on arrow wounds to speed up the healing process.
Take a good quality daily supplement to make sure that you are getting the best intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Many cheaper supplements have low levels of active ingredients, so be sure to examine labels carefully as you tend to get what you pay for. Quality supplements have potent cell regeneration properties that improve skin condition and retard signs of aging. For acne, or to fade old scars, rub in a little natural Vitamin E oil at bedtime.
Sun damage
A little sunshine is a valuable source of Vitamin D, but prolonged sunbathing damages the skin and ages it prematurely. People who sunbathe regularly age quickly. So always use a sunscreen on your face and hands.
Skin loves water
Your body is made up of 70 percent water and your skin loves it. Dehydration shows first on your skin. Drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water every day. Take a bottle of water with you in the car. Caffeine can cause dehydration so increase your intake to 1 glass of water for each cup of coffee, tea and can of cola.
Take some exercise every day. Note how wonderful your skin looks after exercise. Exercise boost the circulation, boosts the metabolism, and brings oxygen to your skin cells.
Good skin care
Practice good skin care. Use gentle products to cleanse, moisturize, and gently exfoliate. A daily massage is a great way to keep skin looking fresh and young. I met an old lady of 80 who had fabulous skin and I asked her what her secret was. She told me that her mother had passed the benefits of gentle massage to her. Follow me on Twitter “@alvacarpenter” for a daily health tip toward a healthy life.
Face lift
Due to the pull of gravity, the skin on the face can start to move southward at around the age of 40. To prevent this, or help turn back the clock, contact me at facialan@ardenhealth.com and I will e-mail you some mini morning facial exercises. ( arabnews.com )
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