Nine Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss

Nine Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss - Though there's enough dieting advice out there to fill a dozen refrigerators, modest goals and a slow course will increase your chances of losing weight and keeping it off. So be extra wary of programs that offer quick weight-loss solutions.

If you are serious about losing weight, aim to change habits, not deprive yourself by slashing calories. Physical activity, sensible eating, and a realistic, committed approach to lifestyle change are all critical components of long-term success.

Ready to begin your journey? Start with these 9 tips:

Set realistic goals

Though you may want to see your weight plummet 4 to 5 pounds a week, experts advise a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week. It may take longer to reach your goal that way, but the weight you lose is much more likely to stay off. Setting modest goals you know you can reach, like losing 5 to 10 percent of your current body weight, will benefit your health. Also, once you achieve your first goal, you will have more confidence. Then you can create a new goal for further weight loss if you need to.

Seek emotional support.

Losing weight takes time, commitment, and resolve. Don't go it alone. Seek support when needed from your partner, family, and friends. Ideally, look for people who will listen to your concerns, make the effort to understand your feelings, spend time exercising with you, and share the priority you've placed on creating a healthier lifestyle.

Maintain a sensible calorie intake and regular meal pattern.

Eating too few calories can be as much of a problem as eating too many. One result is constant hunger. Also, drastic calorie reductions only serve to decrease important muscle tissue, thereby lowering your metabolism. This approach almost always backfires. If it's the one you choose, you'll likely find yourself raiding the kitchen in the late afternoon or evening. On an 1,800-calorie meal plan, for instance, you should aim to have 300 to 500 calories at your meals. This leaves room for 2 snacks of 100 to 200 calories in between. Eat every 3 to 4 hours to keep hunger at bay.

Combine food groups for best blood sugar control.

Eating some protein and small amounts of fat along with wholesome carbs can help keep you feeling satisfied and away from the cookie jar. Examples might include:

  • One or two eggs with a whole-grain English muffin
  • Salad with tuna and a little olive oil
  • Hearty bean soup
  • Oatmeal with a handful of walnuts
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with almonds and sliced fruit

Eat high-fiber foods that are wholesome and satisfying.

High-fiber foods will keep you full without breaking your calorie budget. Eat bean soups, lots of cooked vegetables, salads, and whole grains, such as brown rice, barley, and whole-grain breads and cereals. Also, include some healthy fat in your meal plan, such as you get from avocado, nuts, or olive oil.

Consider the scale.

Studies show that most long-time "losers" get in the habit of weighing daily or weekly. Stepping on the scale each day can help you catch a weight gain slip before it gets out of control. Just don't be an emotional slave to the scale. Keep in mind that weight can fluctuate daily because of fluids or hormones.

Keep a food journal.

Keeping track of your daily eating habits is another way to stay on track. It also allows you to solve problems with eating that arise. Start by writing down everything that you eat and drink for at least 3 days. Also, include the time you eat it and any special circumstances that might seem relevant. Little things can add up. Are you drinking some calories that you are not aware of? Picking at leftovers? Going long periods without eating? Do you eat most of your calories in the latter part of the day? Are you getting enough healthy fat and protein? Are your carbohydrates coming from wholesome sources or are they refined, such as you get when you eat a lot of white bread and pastas instead of fresh vegetables and whole-grain foods?

Be positive.

Don't approach losing weight with a diet mentality. You are changing your eating habits for health, weight control, and quality of life. Feeding your body nutritious food is truly a gift you are giving yourself.


If you want to trim down, you will need regular exercise most days of the week. Walk briskly, swim, bike - work up to anything that will get your body moving for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. Plus, working with light weights at least twice a week can help keep your muscles from wasting and your bones from shrinking. Always check first with your doctor before you increase your activity level.

Losing weight isn't just a matter of looking good. It's also about staying healthy. Carrying extra pounds puts you at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer ( )

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1 comment:

  1. It may take longer to reach your goal that way, but the weight you lose is much more likely to stay off. Setting modest goals you know you can reach, like losing 5 to 10 percent of your current body weight, will benefit your health. Also, once you achieve your first goal, you will have more confidence.
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