Talking about life insurance sounds as much fun as eating rotten fish

To some people, Talking about life insurance sounds as much fun as eating rotten fish. And while ignoring them can add to family tragedy by becoming a nightmare, more and more people are doing it. A recent survey by the nonprofit Life Foundation showed that a quarter of Americans would consider canceling their life insurance policies to give money away in these tough financial times. Before making such drastic decisions, consider these seven common mistakes - and you may decide to buy more coverage,...

READ MORE - Talking about life insurance sounds as much fun as eating rotten fish

Secrets of ear wax

Secretion secrets: things you didn’t know about ear wax - Earwax is one of those bodily substances which few of us like to discuss in polite company.  Like other secretions, it is something that most of us deal with in private. Yet it also holds a fascination for many.  In the past, it has been used as a lip balm and salve for puncture wounds.  But it can do a little more than that. Recent research suggests it can indicate a build up of pollutants in the body - and it...

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The tell-tale symptoms of depression

The tell-tale symptoms of depression - People who may be suffering from depression or manic disorders actually exhibit or show each and every kind of symptom of depression that doctors will tell you that depressed people have. Sometimes it’s actually quite easy to overlook such symptoms and not be able to help one’s self or others who are suffering from depression for that matter.There are actually a lot of symptoms of depression that depressed people may actually posses but they don’t have to...

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Finding the right Depression Treatment

Finding the right Depression Treatment - Depression or prolonged sadness is actually quite common in the United States, around 9.5 percent of the American population actually suffers from this illness, however, not all of them get to be treated, thus, depression and its ill-effects continue to be a burden to some individuals. This illness may seem quite simple to treat but in reality, it takes more than a little cheering up to actually cure depression. Constant visits to a cognitive behavior therapist...

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All About Clinical Depression

All About Clinical Depression - epression, a mental illness that is often characterized by prolonged periods of sadness and melancholy, experts from the field of psychiatry say.But just because one person is moping around and just generally hating the world around him or her, doesn't mean that it's already depression, but if this kind of behavior, the feeling of emptiness, loss of self-worth and absolutely no hope for happiness just goes on and on, then, yes, that individual is very much, indeed,...

READ MORE - All About Clinical Depression

How to give an oil massage

How to give an oil massage - A massage can be soothing and invigorating. Our step-by-step guide to relaxing massage will teach you how best to give a massage. Hopefully — once you’ve given somebody a massage — you will get one in return.  Step 1: Create the right ambiance.  Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature.  Dim the lights to create a warm, cosy ambiance and ensure the drapes are closed, so that there are no distractions.  Light a scented candle or...

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Laugh Out Loud ( LOL )

Laugh Out Loud - Guffawing is great. It not only helps you bond better but also does your heart and head a sea of good. When we moved into our home, I immediately fell in love with the expansive, lush green park in front. The only thing that startled me was the sound coming from the early morning laughter club that drowned out all other gentle sounds of nature. As I sat with my newspaper and tea in the balcony, a range of irritated thoughts passed my head from "Why do they have to be so loud?"...

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How to improve your sleep

How to improve your sleep -  Put some work into a good night’s sleep, says the spa guru Karina Stewart Sleep surroundings A lot of people struggle with sleep issues, often due to a stressful lifestyle or too many stimulants. But the health benefits of getting good-quality sleep are immense, so do put some effort into it. One of the ways is to sort out what I call 'sleep hygiene’. This means that, pre-bedtime, you should make sure your bedroom is really quiet, the temperature is comfortable...

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Ranbaxy Recalls Atorvastatin Calcium Over Glass Particle Risks

Ranbaxy Recalls Atorvastatin Calcium Over Glass Particle Risks -- Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc. has recalled dozens of lots of its generic version of cholesterol drug Lipitor because some may contain tiny glass particles, the latest in a string of manufacturing deficiencies that once led U.S. regulators to bar imports of the Indian company's medicines. Ranbaxy, a subsidiary of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., India's biggest drugmaker, is operating under increased scrutiny from the U.S. Food and Drug...

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Sandy insurance claims: Claims from Sandy in the U.S. Northeast could boost Florida insurance rates

Sandy insurance claims: Claims from Sandy in the U.S. Northeast could boost Florida insurance rates - A surge of insurance claims from Superstorm Sandy in the Northeast could boost rates in Florida, some insurance professionals fear. Initial estimates put insurance exposure in the Northeast at more than $10 billion. Some of those payouts are expected from reinsurance companies, the same ones that provide insurance to insurance companies in Florida to help them cover their risk. If reinsurance...

READ MORE - Sandy insurance claims: Claims from Sandy in the U.S. Northeast could boost Florida insurance rates